Traditional Chinese Medicine (including Acupuncture, Tuina or Food energetics) Costs
Initial consultation: last minimum of 1 hour 30 minutes. The initial consultation includes taking a full case history, providing a diagnosis and healing plan before any treatment: £70.00
Subsequent consultations: last about 1 hour (including 15mins follow up consultation minimum): £60.00
Due to Covid-19, the full case history and follow up consultations will be completed via the phone or online.
Distant Pranic Healing Costs
Usual consultations should last about 1 hour : £100.00
Home treatments appointments are available by prior arrangement. There will be an additional cost for travel. But due to civid-19, the home treatments are not performed at the moment until safer environment can be provided.
Discounted “Shine through the darkness” options for those who require a range of therapeutic treatments over a longer period of time are available and can be discussed during the initial consultation.
Form of payments
Cash or bank account deposit.
Cancellation policy
48 hours notice is required for cancellation of appointments, otherwise the full appointment fee is payable.